Once jet lag has taken hold, you can’t recover a normal and satisfactory rhythm in your life and sleep. Bach flowers will help you recover your inner balance quickly. Losing sleep Jet lag can lead to your body clock being disturbed and to your sleep being affected. You can’t restore your normal sleeping pattern. You…
Fear of travelling
La peur de l’avion, les scénarios catastrophe… vous êtes sujet à des phobies dès lors que vous devez voyager. Conserver votre calme et restez zen la veille de votre départ et durant le trajet avec les fleurs de Bach. Elles vous aideront à surmonter vos phobies en douceur. Difficulté à dormir la veille d’un voyage…
Feeling unwell when travelling
You feel unwell whenever you travel. You can’t bear long trips and often find it hard to overcome jetlag. Feeling of nausea You can’t stand taking public or private transport. You feel sick during the trip and even after it is over. You dread travelling anywhere since you know beforehand that you will not feel…