World's essences

Discover many elixirs from around the world, from Dutch essences to healing herbs to Australian bush flowers. Many elixirs of plants of the world to appease your daily life.

Elixirs du monde
Aigremoine  (Agrimony)-  Dissimulation


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The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or...
Price €9.95
 Hêtre  (Beech)  -  Critique


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For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them.
Price €9.95
 Billy  goat  plum  -  Acceptation  de  son  corps

Billy goat plum - Shame

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OUT OF STOCK Helps them feel better in body and combat the sexual feelings of repulsion.
Price €19.50
 Bluebell  -  Insensible

Bluebell - Fear of lack

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Helps to open the heart of those who feel cut off from their feelings.
Price €19.50
Book of Bach flowers Editions Marie-Claire

Book Bach Flowers Marie-Claire

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A book guide to know everything about Bach flowers and how to use them. Available in French...
Price €19.95
 Bush  gardenia  -  Communication

Bush gardenia - Stale...

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Renews interest in others, improves communication, restores passion.
Price €19.50
 Centaurée  (Centaury)  -  Faiblesse


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Attention : the 30ml bottle is out of stock Please choose the 10ml bottle Kind, quiet,...
Price €9.95
Plumbago  (Cerato)  -  Immaturité


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Those who have not sufficient confidence in themselves to make their own decisions.
Price €9.95
 Prunus  (Cherry  Plum)  -  Angoisse

Cherry Plum

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OUT OF STOCK Fear of the mind being over-strained.
Price €9.95
 Bourgeon  de  marronier  (Chestnut  Bud)  -  Irréfléchis

Chestnut Bud

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OUT OF STOCK For those who do not take full advantage of observation and experience, and who...
Price €9.95
 Chicorée  (Chicory)  -  Envahissant


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Those are who very mindful of the needs of others.
Price €9.95
 Clématite  (Clematis)  -  Rêveur


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Negative state : dreamers, drowsy, absent-mindedPositive state : brings down to earth
Price €9.95
copy of Emergency

copy of Emergency

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OUT OF STOCK Helps to calm fear, panic and distress.
Price €19.50
 Pommier  Sauvage  (Crab  Apple)  -  Traumatisme  inavoué

Crab Apple

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Negative state : feeling unclean, self-disgust, small things out of proportionPositive state...
Price €9.95