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You are feeling low and everything seems to you darker than before. You are more sensitive than usual and nothing seems to interest you. You are quite simply depressed… 
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For those who have had an excessive behavior, who need to find a new balance.
Price €19.95


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For those who are physically or mentally tired.
Price €19.95
Joy of life Pastilles

Joy of life Pastilles

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To take life on the right side and rediscover joy of life.
Price €12.50
Joy of life**

Joy of life**

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For those who feel dejected, sad, who have a resigned attitude.
Price €19.95


For those who lose interest in life who are too weary to make new plans for the future.
From Price €19.95
N°11 - Elm

N°11 - Elm

If you feel overwhelmed with responsibilities. Gives the strength to perfom and brings back...
Price €9.95
N°12 - Gentian

N°12 - Gentian

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For those who are forever pessimistic and easily discouraged by minor obstacles. Helps...
Price €9.95
N°13 - Gorse

N°13 - Gorse

rating 0 review
For those who think that nothing can help them and who have given up hope Brings a renewed...
Price €9.95
N°21 - Mustard

N°21 - Mustard

rating 0 review
If you experience a period of gloom and doom, for no specific reason. Brings back clarity...
Price €9.95
N°28 - Scleranthus

N°28 - Scleranthus

rating 0 review
If you suffer from mood swings and from extreme variations in your energy levels. Balances...
Price €9.95
N°30 - Sweet Chestnut

N°30 - Sweet Chestnut

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For those who suffer from an unbearable pain or despair and who are left hopeless, weak and...
Price €9.95
N°34 -Water Violet

N°34 -Water Violet

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If you are too proud, reserved and withdrawn. Helps being more open and accessible to the...
Price €9.95
N°35 - White Chestnut

N°35 - White Chestnut

rating 0 review
For those who are overpowered by unresolved, obsessive thoughts. Brings back a calm and...
Price €9.95
N°37 - Wild Rose

N°37 - Wild Rose

rating 0 review
If you lack interest, desire and passion in life. Fills with a spirit of joy and a taste for...
Price €9.95