For those who have difficulties to go on a diet, who cannot reach the slimness target they would like to reach.
For those who have difficulties to go on a diet, who cannot reach the slimness target they would like to reach. Helps to get free fromfood obsession, encourages self-control.
Based on the following organic Bach Flower essences, prepared according to Dr Bach's Original method and preserved in the finest organic Brandy : Heather, Centaury, Chicory, Rock water, Cerato, Cherry plum, Vervain.
This Elixir has been certified organic by Ecocert.
20ml or 30 ml dropper bottle.
Brandy bio, Flower extracts (1/250) : Centaurium Erythraea, Aqua Petra, Calluna Vulgaris, Ceratostigma Willmottiana, Prunus Cerasifera, Verbena Officilanis, Cichorium Intybus
Certified organic by Ecocert.
Dilute 4 drops of the Elixir in a glass of water and drink as often as needed.