For those who are physically or mentally tired.
For those who are physically or mentally tired. Helps regain energy, vitality and enthusiasm for life.
Based on the following organic Bach Flower essences, prepared according to Dr Bach's Original method and preserved in the finest organic Brandy : Centaury, Hornbeam, Oak, Olive, Wild Rose.
This Elixir has been certified organic by Ecocert.
Organic Brandy (99,6%) 40% vol, plant extracts* 0,4% (1/250) : Centaurée (Centaury / Centaurium erythaea), Charme (Hornbeam / Carpinus betulus), Chêne (Oak / Quercus robur), Eglantine (Wild rose / Rosa canina), Olivier (Olive / Olea europoea)
Certified organic by Ecocert.
Spray 4 times